“stars shine brightest in the dark”
mx. echoes of antiquity pageant talent set
“Reckoned” is all about that leap of faith from insecurity to confidence. Growing up being scared to be myself, this set is all about present Khandy reaching out to little Khandy and showing him the beauty of self-recognition. I wanted to channel a lot of my culture with places I get power from: pop music, bollywood, flow and fem-styped hip-hop. The audio track begins with a “Buttons” remix by the Pussycat Dolls and transitions into “O Saki Saki” by Neha Kakkar and the dance incorporates a lot of flow arts with bollywood inspired choreography.
This set was made by Khandy with help from Nico Tolentino and Matt Delacruz.
mx. echoes of antiquity pageant catwalk
“Debut” is the introduction of my alter ego, Khandiana. This pageant catwalk was inspired by themes of pop stars and tour openings from Beyoncé and Ariana Grande. This set also takes styles of fem choreography found popularly in black and queer communities. This was my return to non-flow arts dancing after 3 years—it was fun trying something new! Huge shoutout to my entourage for learning and performing with me.
This set was made by Khandy and Nico Tolentino with inspiration from @thomasvrabie.

stuyflow x choshields x passive house
“Breathe” was created in collaboration with the talented architects from the North American Passive House Conference. This performance aims to teach the principles of the environmentally friendly and sustainable technique of passive house buildings through creative expression. due to COVID-19 quarantining, this set was transformed into a virtual performance!
This collaboration was directed by Khandy, Joanna Zheng, Heiley Tai and the StuyFlow Board of 2019-2020 along with In Cho & Tim Shields. The performance was choreographed by various choreographers from StuyFlow and the video was edited by Joanna Zheng.
stuysquad flow omega 2019
This set was made during my last year as president of StuyFlow! We wanted to make a thematic set and chose different Disney or Disney-adjacent songs that worked well together! We had to start with the iconic disney channel wand intro and a majestic “The Lion King” opener. We closed the set with “show yourself” from Frozen 2 which was released a couple months prior. We wanted to sell the fantasy of being immersed in a Disney set so we made sure to coordinate the color of our props to the vibe of the song we were doing!
This set was made by Khandy, Vivian Yan, Alice Ni, and Raymond Xu.

stars shine
performance art final - new genres
This performance was created during the transition from quarantine into “normalcy” in 2021 and encompasses 3 different forms of the flow arts: glowsticking, freehand, and light-whipping. The song choice, “A Million Dreams,” sung by P!NK was reminscent of popular sentiments during the COVID-19 era; dreams can change the world and motivate a better tomorrow.